A New Sancha in My Life

My mobile setup will now become my mobile setup again. It was playing the role of permanent observatory setup while I awaited the arrival of some new equipment. Now that everything has arrived, the AP Mach1GTO and Takahashi FSQ have come back home.

The new setup, a Software Bisque Paramount ME II and AG Optical 10" f/3.8 Newtonian, is in place, but not quite ready for prime time. I need to shift the Versa plate back to better balance the declination axis, get a couple adapters ordered, and cable it all up.

But here's a timelapse video of the lengthy removal and installation process, followed by some photos. The timelapse video covers about 10 hours.

Timelapse video of the tear down and installation.
The "old" setup: Astro-Physics Mach1 GTO mount and Takahashi FSQ-106ED X-III on top of a Le Sueur 44" pier.
The new setup: Software Bisque Paramount ME II mount, AG Optical 10" f/3.8 Newtonian astrograph on top of a custom pier.
The new setup from the southeast corner of the observatory.
The new setup, from the northeast corner of the observatory.


  1. Daniel, that looks awesome. Hope to see it's first light soon.


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